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November 2007 Archive

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November 2007
November 29, 2007
be patient
famous last words huh? New banner in the making... Just hang on it's not complete yet!

Posted at 09:23 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

November 27, 2007
I love Winter!

O is for OU! who beat the pants off of OSU this last weekend! woo hoo!

P is for Pecan Pie... and boy did I have my share over the weekend!

This year TCA had their annual fund raiser to help offset the cost of tuition so that the school can actually survive. This year was a little different then in the past. They actually had a silent auction. Every class made something to be auctioned off the night of the "Fall Fiesta Fund raiser". E's class had the hardest time figuring out what to make. Her class consists of 7 boys and HER! (Yes, you heard me right! She is the only girl in her entire class.) Getting boys to "make" something crafty was nearly impossible. E's teacher Mrs. H ended up taking the entire class (all 8 of them) to Hobby Lobby to see what they could come up with. Needless to say, they walked out of there with a creation put together by E herself. She did an awesome job too, if I must say so myself. Who knew she could put together a type of arrangement that she did. Hopefully she got my mothers knack for design rather than mine. My mom and brother can put together (decorate) a wall/room without any difficulty at all. Me? I can do it on paper only (scrapbooking). The only reason my walls have any decor on them at all is because my mom comes over to decorate for me...lol Needless to say, after it was all said and done, the school sucked 200.00 out of my parents for her class auction item. My mother was not going to let anyone else win it. I must say, the school did quite well this season.

Q is for.... heck, i can't even think of anything. Maybe I will come back to it.

R is for... Reading!

Thanksgiving has now come and gone and we are moving on into Christmas time! I love the winter time! Have I yet mentioned that winter is my most favorite time of the year? It slows me down and gives me a chance to do things that I love the most. I love snow and coldness and a fireplace to snuggle up next to and read books! I just love it~ I just finished reading a 3 book series by Terri Blackstock (Paula, you should have a package in the mail soon containing these books, gotta love me!) and I started reading "The Chronicles of Narnia" by C.S. Lewis. This book is ginormous! I didn't realize that The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe was book 2 in the entire 7 book "Chronicle". I started and finished the first "Chronicle" yesterday and cannot wait for this evening when I can sit next to my fireplace, all nice and cozy, and continue reading. I love the winter!

Posted at 07:57 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

November 20, 2007
Can you believe?
M is for memories! ENOUGH SAID!

N is for November and nice weather! Can you believe that it is November 20 and it is currently 84 degrees outside? This month has been unseasonably warm. It really makes me wonder/worry about January and Feburary. With it being so warm so late in the year, I am fearful of a very wet, snowy, beginning of the new year.

I took some pics of the trees in my yard/neighborhood. I just love the different colors of oranges/reds. Fall is my favorite time of the year, even if it is in the winter time! Can you believe that I even had a rose bloom yesterday? Roses 2 days before Thanksgiving.... who'd a thunk it!

Posted at 05:16 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

November 12, 2007
L is for...

This last weekend was my 20 year high school reunion! It seems almost impossible to believe that I have been out of school for that long! Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think i was going to be "one of those people" who hit their 20 year mark, but I did!

Despite my "self loathing" part about how fat I have become since high school, I was able to get up the nerve to actually go. After sucking it up and stepping out of the boat, I am really glad I did. Seeing a lot of my old friends was such a joy. Reminiscing was so much fun. When I think of a reunion and the people that I want to see again, there were only a handful of girls that even enter my mind. I missed the opportunity to see these girls at my 10 year reunion due to job conflicts so it really meant extra to me to see them now. Needless to say, 20 years does a lot on a persons brain. Memories are lost and friendships fall by the way side but I must say that pure no memory at all of all the times we shared together hurts the most. Talk about bitter sweet! One of my bestest friends in high school didn't even remember us being friends. I am still boggled by the thought! She didn't remember my car that use to break down while i was taking her home all the time. She didn't remember us being on the phone at all times of the day and night. She didn't remember ANY of it! She sat next to me and just looked at me like I was a complete stranger to her! My feelings were just absolutely crushed. I expected some people to not remember me since I didn't show up until my junior year but not her! I walked through fire with my parents because of her...(she is black and my parents were very prejudice at the time). I keep telling myself that I am not bothered by this but frankly, I am! Do I hate her now? Absolutely not. It just makes me realize how much weight I put on my friendships. When I call someone my friend, I mean it! I put my heart into it. It's not something I take lightly.... maybe that is the reason that I have very few friends! And the few friends that I can say that I have, are friends for life!

Other that the major let down of that one classmate, the rest of entire reunion was a blast! There were a few others that did not show up that I would have loved to have seen but all in all it was awesome! We laughed, we danced, we drank, we remembered! I was even able to get to know some people that I never knew in high school and I am thankful for that!

Posted at 06:10 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

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