Tuesday, July 15, 2008

June 2007 Archive

June 2007
June 26, 2007
Here is the newest LO i did from a Scrapperie Challenge.

Items that I had to use:

5 words in the title
4 circles
3 photos
2 different fonts
1 subject (in your Layout)

This is one of E's friends. I blacked out her face due to the fact I don't have her permission to plaster her face on my blog! (YET!!!)

Posted at 03:08 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
Movie Review
Evan Almighty

This is the cutest movie. E and I decided that it was time for a girl's night out. We decided to go to the movies and saw "Evan Almighty". I just couldn't convince her that she needed, and i mean NEEDED, to see "Ocean's 13". Being bald or having gray hair isn't as visually appealing to a 15 year old as it is her mother, i guess. *shrug*

Evan Almighty was by far 100% better than I thought it would be. It had some really good truthful biblical references in it also. I totally recommend it for the entire family. It was totally worth the 14 dollars (with E's student discount) to see. Yes, I about fell over when I had to pay 8 dollars for a movie ticket for myself, and I won't mention 5.75 plus tax for large popcorn... I remember when it only cost 2.50 and we thought that was outrageous then. Gosh I'm getting old. Would I pay it again to see this movie? Absolutely!

Off to watch "Bridge to Tarabithia" now since I rented it and it's due back tomorrow...lol

Posted at 12:38 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

June 25, 2007
Christmas in July
For our family reunion in July we have a tradition of exchangeing home-made Christmas ornaments. I just finished one that I am making and it turned out so well. I cannot wait to share it with everyone at the reunion. Now, off to finish 24 more!

*disclaimer... the pic is'nt too good but it gives you the idea!

Posted at 02:20 PM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

June 20, 2007
I guess it's time to update! I have been so busy lately I haven't even had time to breathe! I wish i didn't have time to eat tho! maybe that would help jump start me on this diet i have been less than motivated or dedicated to start. I had my garage sale this last weekend. I didn't do too bad considering the rainy weather and having to close it both days at 1. But i made enough money to fund my summer vacations, now if only the gas prices would continue to drop around here. They went from 2.85 to 2.78 overnight. I am so thankful. We sure could use a break in that area of our lives. It sucks that we are so "dependant" on something like oil/gas that we physically feel the impact in our society when it is unavailable or unaffordable. It makes me think about how "dependant" we SHOULD be on God instead of man-made things to function. He is always available and He even paid in full the price of life.

Vacations are coming up and I am getting super excited! It seems like I work and work and work only for these few weeks during the summers. I live for my vacations. This year is our family reunion in Midland, TX. We are leaving July 3 and returning July 8 only to leave again July 9 thru the 15th. E will be going to Falls Creek July 9 and I will be going to Galveston to spend the week on the beach! Super, super, fun! I plan on relaxing, collecting lots of shells, getting lots of pictures of the gulf, and getting sunburned! Oh and eating some fresh Gulf port Oysters and shrimp! YUMMY, no wonder I cant get started on this diet... i love food! Once this vacation in July is over, we are going back to Midland in August for the Rock the Desert Concert Aug 11 and 12th. I think I already mentioned the bands that are playing for this 2 day concert. E is super hyped up over this one!

Ok, enough update for now. I have to go pick her up from kid's camp over 30 miles away. She is a camp counselor this summer and she just absolutely LOVES it! I'm so proud of her!


Posted at 11:22 AM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

June 15, 2007
just popping in
to say I'm alive. I am in the middle of a 2 day garage sale and working my 8 hour shifts on top of that. I cannot wait until it is over....Garage sales are TOO MUCH WORK! I'm exhausted! I will update in a couple days!

Posted at 09:51 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

June 11, 2007
Beautiful Light!
We spent the day at my parent's house doing yard work and such. During my mowing time, I have nothing else to do while I am sitting on the mower so a lot of the times I pray and just think. Even though I hate mowing with a passion, it is time I get to spend with God. Today was no different except that today I just sang worship songs in my head when I wasn't looking like a crazy fool talking to myself (praying out loud)! It was a really great time with Him, despite the mowing and stupid bugs! Oh and I must report that I saw a horny toad. It was the first one I have seen in YEARS. I can remember catching them when I was a little girl and playing with them all day. I tried to catch it but the sucker was just too fast. I sure don't remember them being that fast when I was little. Then again, maybe I am the slow one now! lol Anyways, it was the coolest thing!

After supper, E and I packed up the truck and was fixing to leave not realizing what we were getting ready to experience. That is when the magic appeared! Lightning bugs... they were everywhere. I bet there were millions of them. I have never seen anything like it in my life. My parents have 3 acres with numerous trees and bushes and it looked like every tree was lit up for Christmas with flashing lights. It was the most beautiful thing I have seen in a long time. E was just so mesmerized by them. I whispered to her "You know, God made each and every one of those bugs just so we could enjoy this moment, this night". She said "Yep, I have read the book." I looked at her puzzled and she said "you know, the one that says God made firefly's just to put a smile on your face". I have never heard of the book but it was so right! Not only did we have a smile on our faces, but we had a smile in our hearts too! It was one of those moments that you had to just experience yourself to get the full extent of the beauty God shared with us tonight. Who would have thought that nasty old bugs could produce such peace, such comfort, such beauty and such a priceless moment. No picture or video would have done it justice. Thank you, Lord!

Psalm 50:2
From Zion, perfect in beauty, God shines forth.

Posted at 11:17 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

June 08, 2007
Funky Funk and Fun Stuff
I guess it is time to try and pull myself out of the funky funk I have been in lately. It has been so bad that I haven't wanted to do ANYTHING, to include updating this blog. Dealing with death of loved ones left me really down and I have let the circumstances steal my joy. I think it is time to reclaiming it! I am joyful, I am joyful, I am joyful **must keep repeating to myself**

I am happy to introduce the newest member of the family, Tommy.

I took Toby into the vet the other day for a check up since he is 10 and was sleeping alot. Since we just put Mandy down due to old age, I wanted to get Toby checked out. The doc said that it wouldn't be a bad idea to get him a companion to help keep him active. The doc just happen to know of a cat that he was going to have to put down today if he couldn't find a home for him. The owner started traveling alot and had kicked him outside and they just didn't feel like they were providing him a good home since he wanted to be an inside cat. Needless to say, I broke weak! I brought him home from Death Row and am in the process of getting him into a routine. Toby was not happy to say the least but he is starting to warm up to the idea. At least he is not hissing and growling every time Tommy walks by anymore. Tommy has really taken up with E. He has taken over her bed at night and just loves all over her in the middle of the night! I think it is just so cute! We have fallen in love with him. Emily and my boys, Tommy and Toby, are my joy right at this moment!

Now for some Fun Stuff from Kristin!

This game is SCATTERGORIES...it's harder than it looks! Here are the rules:
* Use the 1st letter of your name to answer each of the questions.
* They MUST be real places, names, things...NOTHING made up!
* If you can't think of anything, skip it.
* You CAN'T use your name for the boy/girl name question.

Your Name: Kami

1. Famous Singer/Band: Kutlass
2. 4 letter word: Kiss
3. Street: Kickapoo (yes, it is in Shawnee)
4. Color: Kangaroo Brown
5. Gifts/Presents: Kites
6. Vehicle: Kia
7. Things in a Souvenir Shop: Kipper snacks (I'm desperate for answers here..lol)
8. Boy Name: Kevin
9. Girl Name: Katie
10. Movie Title: Karate Kid
11. Drink: Kahlua
12. Occupation: Kennel worker
13. Celebrity: Kevin Costner
14. Magazine: Kids discovery
15. U.S. City: Kalamazoo
16. Pro Sports Teams: Kansas City Chiefs (Is that cheating?)
17. Fruit: Kiwi
18. Reason for Being Late for Work: Kitchen flooded!
19. Something You Throw Away: Kites?
20. Things You Shout: Keep your JOY!
21. Cartoon Character: Kermit (if he doesn't count as a cartoon then he should!)

Whew~ that was hard!

I am going to be revamping the looks of this blog soon, thanks to Kristin's help( as if she isn't busy enough as it is). Stay tuned for JOYFUL changes.

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