Tuesday, July 15, 2008

March 2007 Archive

March 2007
March 30, 2007
I am having a slight problem uploading my pics into a photo album so I will just post them here for now....

**Note to all of those who are waiting pics of my carpet ........those picture will be posted tomorrow so stay tuned**

Lupe, these are for you! My backyard flooding problems and if you say a word about my need to mow then no more carne asada for you, my man!

This first picture is my driveway (click on the photo's and it will give you a full size view):

I explained all the pictures to Paula so she can relay it to you! But there is an idea of the flooding problem I have been facing! Thank goodness it has finally stopped raining. I think we added at least 2 more inches to the rainfall we had yesterday. I went around town and took some more pictures of the creeks and ponds near Emily's school about 3 miles away from my house and it is just amazing. Here are some of those pictures. Keep in mind that they are sucky pics since I was shooting from inside my truck! But you get the idea!

Posted at 07:54 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
2 more inches of rain expected!!!

Warning: Vent ahead! i RARELY speak of work in my blog at all because I like to keep work at work and visa-versa but I just have to get this out!

This portion of the post was deleted to protect the "GUILTY" >:o|

Ok, vent over! sorry!

Posted at 05:59 AM | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)

March 29, 2007
Free Carwash
What could be the worst news that could come from me right now? Would it have anything to do with my new carpet and tile? YEP!

My house flooded again today! Just shoot me now! Please, someone just put me out of my misery! I woke up to my kitchen and dining room in standing water! A wave of nausea immediately hit me. My new tile!!!! (at least it is tile, right?) I ran and grabbed my shop vac and started sucking out the water. I then ran and checked my bedroom and closet and thankfully there was no water there. I got it all dried out on the tile and I then discovered the carpet wet in the living room. We got so much rain that it was coming in through the walls. Needless to say, I lost my cookies. All I could see was the final dollar amout I just spent on new flooring. It quickly became obvious that my tummy could see it too! It felt like someone just punched me in the gut over and over again. After spending a few minutes praying on the porcelin throne, I went out and worked on the drainage ditch and laid the pipe (in the rain) and cleared the drainage point at the gate from the massive amount of grass cuttings that built up from E mowing yesterday. When I opened the gate, it was like opening the flood gates! There was no way Moses could have parted the red "clay" sea that was flowing from my backyard!!!! Everything is now flowing really well so that is a relief. I have fans going on the portion of the carpet that got wet and hopefully it will all dry out soon.

After deciding that I could not go to class tonight because it was already too late for me to take a shower, get ready, feed e, and rush to Cameron, we went to grab some fast food for dinner. I was not about to even think about cooking anything. On our way to MickyD's we dicovered that they had several roads blocked off from the flooding. Apparently alot of the town was underwater. My dad said that Wolf Creek was overflowing and he has never seen that happen before. The creek near my house was over half full also. It is crazy I tell ya, pure craziness!!! Thank goodness the rain has eased up for now and I dont think we will be getting any more tonight. The forcast calls for 60% chances of Thunderstorms tomorrow also....OY! Hopefully my hard work today will help me for tomorrows rain!

I just found this article :

Downpours causing flooding

March 29, 2007 03:10 PM CDT

LAWTON-- The heaviest rains have finally moved out of the Lawton area. Left in behind is widespread flooding across the entire city of Lawton.

7 News has received numerous reports of people being stranded by high water. At this time no injuries have been reported.

Emergency management officials are asking that folks stay put until the storm passes and the water recedes. Crews have blocked many streets but are reminding people not to drive through standing water no matter how deep they think it is.

Low lying areas and streets prone to flooding will continue to be hazardous areas and should be avoided.

Be sure to stay with 7 News for the latest on the storms and the flooding.

THere are pictures of flooded streets all over! I guess I can be thankful for 2 things.... that it wasnt worse and I got a free carwash out of the deal!

Posted at 07:29 PM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

March 28, 2007
Mad old people
Can someone please explain to me why the oldies radio station is playing songs that were popular when I was growing up? I am not talking just 1 song here and 1 song there. I am talking EVERY song almost. Songs that I like, songs that I love. Songs that bring back some wonderful memories of my teen years. Songs that I would blast in my room just to make my mother go insane! Why is it on the oldies station? They are classics not oldies!

Oh and if you must know WHY i was listening to it..... The carpet installers asked me if i minded if they listened to the radio while they worked. Of course I didn't and I just prayed that I didn't have to listen to cry in my beer music or screaming acid music all day. Nope, it was the Oldies station. I thought I was just gonna have to scratch my eyeballs out of my head to even out the bleeding from my ears when I heard it was the oldies station. Next thing I know, I am singing along with Dust in the Wind and Escape. Then it dawned on me... I bet there sure are a bunch of mad elderly people out there having to listen to my classic rock on their oldies station! *rolling my eyes*

Posted at 02:28 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

March 26, 2007
Just daily stuff!
Wow, who knew that growing things could be so fun! I am just amazed at how much my little seeds are growing and how quickly. That squash plant is double in size from what it was yesterday, with another one sprouting now too! The only thing that has not made any progress at all and the one I wanted the most is my cantaloupe. I hope I have done everything right and they will start growing soon. I love me some cantaloupe. As a matter of fact, that is the whole reason I wanted a garden was for cantaloupe and squash! Hopefully I will be successful in this endeavor and be able to share the wealth with my neighbors!

My new carpet is set to be installed in less than 6 hours! I am soooo ready to get my house back in order. Having the flooring done in the entire house gave me an opportunity to purge alot of stuff including furniture. I am going to be purging more as I put my house back together. Half of the stuff that came out is NOT going back in. I am hoping to have a garage sale by the end of April. On second thought, free-cycle has really worked so I may just stick with that! Who knows.

We really could use some rain! We have had it in the forecast for the past 5 days with as much as 80% chances and so far we have zilch. The farmers around here are starting to get a little anxious. I would too if I had my entire income riding on rain! Please pray we get some for our area crops and farmers! We have had quite a few really beautiful overcast days. Perfect for photography pictures. Too bad I have not been able to take advantage of it. Maybe in the next couple of days I can.

Yay! It's date night with Mike! We are gonna do the dinner thing tonight! Apple-bee's is sure sounding good! I also get to rub in the fact that I pulled out, yet again, another Fantasy NASCAR win! WHEEEE! They hate me!

We attended the new church yesterday and it was nice. The people were extremely friendly and I even saw a few faces I hadn't seen in YEARS! I think I will try it again next Sunday to get another feel for the pastor and Sunday school. He is anything but typical. I went in very critical yesterday due to something I had heard on Saturday and so I was don't think I was focusing on the entire service but rather looking for the mistakes. I hate it when I do that. I try my hardest not to walk into things with pre-conceived ideas and get my own opinions of things but for some reason, especially when it comes to my places of worship, I find it hard to do when I get a "warning" phone call the day before about what this person said or what that person did.... I want truth. I want teaching from the Bible. I want a humble leader. Needless to say, I am going to attend again, with an open mind, and draw my own conclusions. Thank goodness Jesus doesn't walk in and automatically assume guilt on us!

Well, I guess that is it for another boring update from me! Until next time!!!

P.S. Jillian, I hope you haven't abandoned your blog... I am needing to see some pics of my babies!

Posted at 03:36 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

March 24, 2007
Squish Squash and Chives
Day 7: Here are pics of my baby!

After posting that he was growing, i guess he decided to give the other seedlings a pep talk cuz when i checked it this morning I had lots of chives and even some cilantro and tomoato plants peeking thru. Yay, it's multiples! :o)

Sorry for boring you with my veggies but I'm excited! I get my garden tilled this week. A friend of mine has a new tiller and is going to come over and do it for me! Yay for friends!

Posted at 05:47 PM in Gardening | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
It's Amazing
It's amazing the things can be accomplished when we just sit back and let God work! I am so hard headed sometimes that it means I have to be completely broken in order to see Him and what He is actually doing. Coming to that point of broken-ness is so hard for me because I feel so vulnerable. But it is during that time when His presence is the strongest in my life, filling my life with new hope, new passion, and more love than my heart can handle. Sometimes it is so hard to invite broken-ness but the end result is so amazing! Thank you Lord! (and Paula for listening to me bawl for days straight)

Guess what! I am the proud mother of one single lonely squash plant! Out of 48 seeds (different kinds), I have 1!!! Woo Hoo! It is now my prized possession...LOL. I think my chives are starting to try and poke through also but that squash plant is just standing so tall! I am so proud! I will try and get a picture in the morning but my camera battery is almost dead and my charger is packed away. I will see what I can do!

E and I went bowling tonight with some of the youth from church (not the new one) and we had a good time. She bowled a 74 and I made out with a 96! I am so proud since I usually never get close to the 90's. I just hope my back will be ok tomorrow! It was fun getting to spend time with E doing something fun! Her whole spring break has been spent being grounded (which expired today) so getting out of the house was a much needed break!

The Bristol race is this weekend. One of my favorite races of the year and I can not wait to see I can retain my fantasy points lead. Mike and Dad are so jealous! Mike is so funny when it comes to losing... but I do have to give him credit... he is taking it well. It is so cute to see him researching and researching his drivers so he can get "just the right one" for the race... (Too bad it hasn't worked for him yet) He did get 14 qualifying points this week and I got zilch but I'm not too worried. 200 pts isn't THAT easy to make up! Wish him luck, cuz he is gonna need it! I LOVE NASCAR!!!

Posted at 02:33 AM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

March 22, 2007
Mountains and Twinkles
How many times do I have to go around the same stupid mountain? Why is it so hard to give up control? What will it take for me to learn to let go and let God? Sometimes I just wish I had the knowledge of that fine line between perseverance because it's God's will and the full blown seeking of self will. I'm tired of the tears! I'm tired of the trouble in my heart! I am tired of not dealing with it. Lord, make me deal! Make it be easy to be salt and light!

On a happier note: We tried out a new church tonight and I really liked the youth group. The youth pastor was quite nice and so was his wife. They have the cutest little boy named Boomer, can you tell they are Sooner fans??? They really seemed to be "into" the kids. Emily really, really enjoyed it and made a few new friends. She has already decided that she wants to participate in Disciple Now 2007 with this church and so I will be signing her up this week. She has talked non-stop about it since we left the services tonight. It's nice to see that little twinkle back in her eyes that has been missing since the fall out of the youth group at the church we are currently members at. I'm thinking that we will be attending this new one soon. We are going to visit on Sunday and I am quite excited about it. While I was there tonight I ran into an old friend that I use to work with at the Sheriff's Department. He was telling me all about the church and how it has grown and all about the pastor. By the way, the pastor's name is Bubba...Bubba Clark to be exact...LOL Apparently, he is not your TYPICAL southern baptist preacher. I am excited to experience it for myself. With a name like Bubba, how can you be just TYPICAL!

Posted at 03:31 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)

March 19, 2007
It's the little things!

Fantasy Nascar has started and we are now 5 races into it and I am STILL in the fantasy points lead! I love being ahead and watching them squirm because they are being beat by a girl!!! Such fun! Points: Kami-1139 Dad~1096 Tom~1024 Mike~942 I love it!

No change in my indoor green house for now! I will be excited when I see some growth. I need to get busy and get my little garden spot in the backyard prepared! I can't wait to see if I have a green thumb or not!

Today is the final day for the tile completion! I am just sooo in love with it! I never thought I would WANT to clean house...LOL It will be even better once the carpet is in!

Happy Birthday Daddy! Your the greatest, wisest man I know and I wish you the best that life has to offer you. Oh and get ready for your beating on the Wii. It's on now! (Nascar and Wii, boy you sure will be tucking your tail now...lol)

Spring break! At least Emily gets to enjoy it! I am working extra shifts this week since we lost ANOTHER dispatcher! I dont know how much longer we can go on like this. There are 4 of us working a 24/7 job. If you do the math, it is almost impossible to do it with just 4 people. Please pray we get help soon!

And finally, a sneak peak of grouted tile...(I KNOW, I KNOW... enough already with the tile... I'm excited, I can't help it!)

Posted at 07:35 AM | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)

March 17, 2007
Mary, Mary
How does your garden grow? I don't know yet, this is my first attempt. I am hoping it does well. I planted cantaloupe, two types of tomatoes, onions, squash, cilantro, rosemary and chives. Hopefully I can record the progress on a daily basis... we will see. So, consider this day one!!!!

Update on the home improvements: All of the tile is down and grouted except the master bathroom and the dining room. It is looking awesome!!! The carpet was scheduled to be installed on Monday but the tile guys are not going to be finished until late Monday. I received a phone call late yesterday saying that there was a mistake in the carpet order and that i had a choice of either waiting another week for the carpet install so they can reorder the carpet or come in and pick out something they had in stock. I went in and looked at the selection and was just NOT happy with any of it. I decided to wait for another week until the original carpet I chose comes in from the warehouse. I figured since I have been walking on concrete since Sept of last year, what is one more week? I will post pics of the final stuff later. I also found a new couch and love-seat that I just fell in love with today. I am really considering getting it after the first of April. I don't know if I want to put in my old beat up couch back into my "new" house...kwim? I was talking to the lady at the furniture store and she said that half of the profit of everything they sale goes towards Emily's private school. The owners of the furniture store are also the founders of Trinity Christian Academy. Isn't that awesome? I was totally sold at that point. Not only does the sale benefit me but also my child's education. I will be doing business there for a long time!

Posted at 08:18 PM in Gardening | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


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