Tuesday, July 15, 2008

april 2008 archive

April 2008
April 26, 2008
Wow! As many times as I have reminded myself to come and keep this thing updated, it's amazing how many times I forget. Well... I would actually say forget.... I just don't take the time to do it. Shame on me!

Things have been going great lately. Just working hard and playing hard. I can NOT wait until school is out for the summer. I can sleep in! I am slightly looking forward to next year when E will be driving herself to school... woo hoo! That is IF I can get over my fear of her driving in the first place and let her drive more. She has had her permit since Feb and I haven't let her drive many places at all. Once to walmart, and a few times to school. I am having a VERY HARD TIME letting go. My baby needs to stay my baby forever.

I have been trying to work on my photo taking skills and have had a few opportunities to try my hand at some action shots... Just like the time last week when I went 4 wheeling with some friends of mine on the river. It was a blast and I was able to catch a few action shots that were decent. I am just loving this camera even though I'm having focus issues..lol Nothing says spring is here like a little.... AIR!

I enrolled in school again! I am bound and determined to finish my degree sometime this decade. After realizing that it would probably be wise to seek guidance from a university adviser, I made an appointment to sit down and discuss what I need to graduate. After mulling over all the paperwork it has been determined that I lack 28 hours. They are also considering giving me 12 hours "work related" education credits from all the furthering education courses I have taken at my place of employment which knocks it down to 16 hours. I currently am enrolled in 11 hours for this next semester which in turn knocks it down further to 5 hours......Ohhhmagosh! I could actually graduate this decade, indeed! Hmmmm.... I think I love my adviser!

On the home front, I am currently getting more estimates for my backyard overhaul. I am going to have to HIRE out someone to solve my drainage/flooding issues. I was up til 3am, 2 weeks ago sucking water up with my shop vac out of the dining room and kitchen from a thunderstorm that decided to dump 4 inches of rain in a 2 hour span of time. I am so darn tired of dealing with water in my house that it isn't even funny. I panic at the word rain...I hate it! So far, the estimates range from 2550.00 to 4600.00 and that is just for the new drainage system. That does not include rebuilding the landscaping or replacing the french doors and guttering. *Sigh Hopefully I will have the problem all solved by this time next month before the spring thunderstorms really kick in.

Last weekend we went out to my parents house to mow the yard. While mowing, E was helping out my dad in the garage. They were welding a piece of bar onto the new mailbox so that they could concrete it in the ground. E came out of the garage and with all of her drama queen ability said "Mom, Pawpawk saved this for you!" I asked what it was and she said "I don't know but since you save everything, I figured you could use it in your scrapbook room!" It was an empty wire spool I just looked at her and rolled my eyes! Am I that bad of a hoarder??? If so, then I came by it honestly because my dad is the worlds worst! LoL

We went to OKC Bricktown on Thursday to have dinner with my parents who were there for a medical conference. I just love going to Bricktown! There are so many great photo opportunities in the City! We ate at the always delicious "CrabTown". I think it is one of my favorite eats in OKC. Of course, crab legs are my favorite food! We didn't have a whole lot of time to spend taking pics and doing stuff since we didn't get up there til after 6 and it was 9 before we finished visiting and eating. I really wanted to experience the new river-walk that was installed at bricktown and E wanted to go through the Arts Festival that was downtown also but there just wasn't time. We are going to have to plan another trip soon! I did however, get a change to snap a few photos and managed to capture my most favorite picture so far! It may not look like much to you but it means the world to me! It literally brings tears of joy to my eyes! Neither one of them knew that I took this picture. It is one that will definately treasured FOREVER!

Well, that's pretty much it for an update minus the issues at work that I cannot discuss here. Let's just say that I have a great dislike for liars! NUF SAID!

I will leave you with a few pictures of the ever growing Tucker! He now weighs in at 26 lbs and is 3 months old, the moose! Look at those paws!

Posted at 03:24 PM | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)

April 10, 2008
It is that time of the year again! Let the flooding begin............. :(

Posted at 01:52 AM | Permalink | Comments (2) | TrackBack (0)
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