Tuesday, July 22, 2008

july 11 2008

♥I cannot think of a better song to just sit back and "Be Still" to. This song is from the Live Unplugged cd. My bestest BFF in the whole wide world gave me a copy of it when I saw her last summer! I have all but worn it out! I just love it. It is the perfect worship cd. When my heart is longing to just worship and be calmed this is the cd I turn to every time! It just really speaks! I can't get enough!♥

Word has it that my supervisor will be leaving soon, possibly the middle of Aug. This is a plus in the fact that it opens up the position that I have tested/interviewed for. I am currently listed as the number 2 person on the promotional list and the number 1 girl has accepted a position in a different part of the state! Sooo.... that obviously makes me TOP PICK! Woo hoo! Lord willing, I should be able to promote soon! Keep saying those prayers for me!

Day number 3 of nasty mouse guts presents left for me at the front door by my ever so loving and devoted feline. I told him it was ok to skip the presents but he just seems to insist! Tonight he actually brought it to the door alive and started to meow wanting to bring it inside... like that was gonna happen! Thanks but no thanks! I do have to say tho, that I wouldn't mind seeing some bird feathers as a present one of these mornings. Those stupid Scissored-tail Flycatchers. As beautiful as they are, they are the meanest birds I have ever seen. They scream and attack him every time he walks out the door. It's like they sit and watch the front door just waiting to plunge straight for his tail end. He has scabs on his back from them dive bombing him! GRRR! I have tryied to google search what I could put outside to try and scare them away, like maybe a fake snake or an owl, but I have yet to find what they are scared of. It's sure not my cat!!! And to think I was gonna be nice to them and put a bell on him! Ain't happening now! Flame me but those birds deserve everything they get if he catches them!

E is currently at her dad's house and has been for the last 2 weeks. I really miss her lots! I am excited for Monday to get here. It seems like she has been gone FOREVER! While I have missed her a lot , I have to say that I have sooo enjoyed my nice clean, spotless house for the last 2 weeks....lol No laundry, no dishes, no clutter in the living room. It's actually been quite boring! She will be home for 1 week then it is off to Falls Creek (summer church camp) for another week. School starts next month (for both of us) so we will try and pack in the rest of the summer stuff the rest of this month! We were going to attempt to go to Rock the Desert again this summer but I just don't see it happening with the gas prices the way they are. Although I must say that they did drop 10 cents today, big whoop! I guess I shouldn't complain.

Woo Hoo! I have some friends now! Thanks girls! I feel loved now!

Ok, here's a closing picture from our vacation! I was able to test out my cousins new zoom lens and I am hooked! I played with it quite a bit while we were at the pool and was able to catch a few action shots! Even though you cannot see his face, I think this is one of my very favorites! Oh and by the way, I have officially opened another "Help Kami get a new zoom lens" fund. All donations are welcome!

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