Tuesday, July 22, 2008

July 20, 2008

Bad dreams and good friends!
Bad dreams last night..... bad, bad dreams! I dreamt that I couldn't get my camera to work and missed the best shots of my life. Shots that were worth TONS of money. (guessing I was a professional photographer or something of the liking to make money for photos) I borrowed Kristin's camera and I couldn't get it to work either. It was just horrible. Those shots are now burned in my mind and will haunt me forever! Bummer!
On to better things.........I took E to work today and ended up seeing a girl that I use to work with at my very first job ever! She had the most beautifulest (is that a word?) red hair back then-and still does- and I always wanted to have it. I was just in love with her hair! Well, she has passed it onto her daughter. Gorgeous, I tell you! Her daughter is 1 year younger than mine and just as short...lol Anyways, we plan on having lunch sometime in the near future. I'm excited! We always had a good time when we were younger so heres hoping we still do and can rekindle an old friendship!
Well, thats all for now...I must go to work...... sigh. I can't wait til Aug for another 2 week vacation!
over and out!

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