Sunday, August 3, 2008

More Bee Drama

A very wise sensei told me just this morning that "in order to become successful, you must become smarter than the bee". (Thanks, Dad! *wink) Guess what.... I'm injured and I give up!

Yep, while climbing up the ladder into my attic to try and squash my fear that the attic is full of bees, a free weight that I have stacked up there fell and landed on my left hand and left ankle causing me to fall backwards off the ladder. Nothing broke except my pride and a river of tears down my face, thank goodness, but it sure hurt pretty bad. The 14 lb weight felt like 2 tons when it hit both left extremities. Instant bruising and goose eggs appeared and will remain for a few days I am sure. After the pain somewhat subsided and the numbness wore down a little, I climbed right back up the attic stairs like a good grasshopper, and tried to assess the bee situation up there. After seeing about 5 of them inside the attic by the light bulb near the front wall, and having one race towards me, I hightailed it out of there on one foot as fast as I could. I have thus concluded that they are in the attic also and they are smarter than me! What's a girl to do???? NOTHING!

Right after the traumatic attic fiasco, the phone rang and it was one of the men that had called this morning. WOO HOO, God does answer prayers! He happened to also be in the pest control business. He said that they are definitely not Africanized bees and are just regular honeybees. He said for me to quit wasting money with pesticides and use a straight Dawn dish washing soap and water mix....WHAT??? GET OUT OF TOWN! I was shocked. He said it will drop them faster than any pesticide and its safer. He also told me that if I decided to kill them I needed to think about the problem that will then rear it's head....... the honey! Once the bees die there is no longer a source of air conditioning caused by the bees wings and the wax on the comb will melt. Once that happens the honey will start dripping down the walls thus ruining the walls and attracting more unwanted insects. It will entail tearing out and replacing the walls. After that phone call a professional beekeeper returned my call confirming all that the first guy said and also added a few details about leaving the hive alone.


1 comment:

Jillian said...

looking forward to reading more on this continued about good reading!

Miss you! .

And what is this breaking dawn thing all about??