Saturday, August 2, 2008


Ever hear buzzing sounds???Ever had a few bees fly by your head???? Ever feel the need to run for your life????? I DO!
Today, I was practicing on my focus and with lighting and was taking pictures of E. After finishing indoors, I drug the reluctant and whiny teen outside to do the outside lighting photos. After a few horrible shots, I happen to notice a few bees flying around. Wishing I had a macro lens, I followed the bees to see where they were coming from. I watched as they flew towards the front of the house and land on the siding...........that's when I saw it! Bees galore! There is a knot hole in the cedar siding on the front of my house and they have apparently moved in. Thinking that there were only a few more just inside the hole, my mom and I decided to get the wasp and hornet spray and spray inside the hole (well, she did the spraying and I took the pictures from a safe

Boy did we get a surprise!!!!! I don't know how big the nest is that is inside the wall but bees started coming from everywhere. There are millions of them, I know this because I counted every single one of them as they flew out past our heads! Not to mention the one that landed on mom's head that scared us to death. Oh and the buzzing sounds.... Oh my goodness.... there had to be millions of them because the sound was unbelievable. I went into the garage where this knothole is and you could even hear the buzzing sounds of the millions in the garage through the wall! (Ughhhh I can still hear it and it gives me the heebie jeebies). It was just like in the movies when a swarm of bees were on the rampage. Did I say it was LOUD?! It was un-BEE-lievably loud! If you will look closely, I even caught a picture of one in flight, go me!!! (rolling my eyes)

Well, needless to say, the spray did nothing! These bees are still alive! After deciding that it was the wrong kind of spray, I went to Wally World to get more. I found some that is suppose to kill on contact. I figured if that didn't work nothing would. After coming home and wasting another can of faulty bee spray, I am convinced that I have bees straight from Hades! (advice of the day: If it says "kills on contact", DON'T BELIEVE IT! They are lying to you! It's false advertisement)

I did a little research online tonight about bees and now I am a little worried that these may be the africanized honeybees.... you know, the ones that are bad. By the way, the Internet and I now have a love/hate relationship. I pulled up pictures of them and they are very very similar to the ones that have taken up residency in my walls and behind my eyelids when I try to sleep. I have called the local police department to get some numbers for local beekeepers and I will be burning up the phone lines tomorrow morning. For some reason, I have a slight suspicion that my bee problem is much deeper than what 2 full cans of bee spray can obviously handle.

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