Saturday, August 2, 2008

At the stroke of Midnight.....

Breaking from the bee saga!

Last night was the famous "Breaking Dawn" book release/costume party at our local mall. Being the nice, wonderful, loving, best mom in the world, pushover chauffeur that I am, I took E. The first 60 people who signed in with their reservations were able to get a line number and a souvenir red ribbon. We were able to snag #50! Woo hoo, brownie points for mom! An online friend that I met a few years ago (and haven't seen since) called and said she was bringing her daughters so I was able to snag her #55! It was great catching up with her again and meeting her adorable children! ( Kristen, we WILL have to get together and do lunch or something again soon, okay?) Anyways, E decided to wear her homecoming dress for her "Bella" costume. She looked so pretty and was so excited for this book release! Honestly, I can't wait to read it myself! The party ended up being pretty lame compared to what I had imagined in my mind. Something elaborate in L-town? I should have known better! It was just an open room with guitar hero (setup as a scavenger hunt event), a few other games and some posters stuck on the walls. They had a couple of hosts who were dressed in character that were running the show and it was pretty much chaos. Contests for the best "B Y O E" (Bring your own Edward) proved to be the highlight of the girls night, besides getting their hands on the actual book of course. According to E, the "Edward" that won the contest was rather cute. She blushed every time he looked her way. E and Kristen's daughter, K, got brave enough to go ask for a picture and since I just so happened to conveniently have my camera, I obliged them. Sorry I cut half your face off, K! The rest of the evening was spent standing around chatting with friends and waiting for the midnight hour. After our book purchase, we caught a few more final pictures and headed home. We were able to be out of there by 12:30 and home by 12:45 so it was not too terribly bad! E lasted about 30 more minutes, reading of course, then hit the sack since she had to work today. All in all, she had fun which meant that I accomplished my goal. That was all that mattered! Here are a few pictures!
E and half of K with "Edward"
K and E with their books

E and a few of her friends
Kristen's wonderful family

and last but not least-

Kristen and I

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