Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Continued Bee Saga and Sneak Peek

Sorry to leave you hanging with the bee story. I have been preoccupied with some crazy stuff the last couple of days. I wish it were bee related because then it would be much simpler to deal with. Tears are never easy! I will just leave it by saying that E and I have definitely learned lessons the hard way this week and now it can only get better. And it starts by walking into my bedroom to see my daughter in the Word! No matter what we are going through, God always draws us near to Him! Such a sweet, sweet picture!

Ok.... back to the bees!

I am trying to remember where I left off. I think it was with the professional bee keeper who called. She was telling me that I should just leave them alone because they will eventually leave. Since they are not aggressive and I can stand outside near the house where they are and I can mow without aggravating them then I have a very mild mannered queen, which is good I am guessing. She told me how they will send out scouts to find a new home and how the queen will then create a swarm and then move to the new home. I have decided to leave them alone and hope that they move on. I am just afraid of that never happening. There are millions of them! She told me that 1 lb of bees equals 30 thousand bees. That's just crazy! Soooo needless to say, unless someone else has another good idea of what I can do, they will be living in the siding of my house for a while. She also informed me that it is against the law to kill them. They are good for the planet since they are one of the main sources for pollination... Who knew! Oh and here is a picture of my injury!

It's still real sore and wearing work boots proved to be just a little painful! Notice the white paint? That is from today's project. We completed painting E's room.... well.... almost! I bought the wrong kind of white paint. I got primer instead of regular paint so I will have to get more before it is totally completed but it's good for now. It is not completely put back together yet so you will just have to settle with sneak peeks!

YES! That is a black wall!

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