Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Ok...........I must say that I kinda like a little OU action since I do live in Sooner Nation but to carry it over to my blog has been a little to much for me to handle. I WILL be choosing another layout soon! lol I can't handle it much longer! (give me a day or two).

Off to watch E's first Cheerleader event of the school year. She use to be in Cheerleading in 2-4th grades and would have continued but the private school I moved her to didn't offer it. This new private school she is attending this year does and she was just overjoyed. Needless to say, I warned her this morning as she was walking out the door that the momma paparazzi would be
making her appearance this evening and I didn't want to hear one complaint about it. hee hee

Stay tuned for pics!

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