2008 has come and gone and I am ready to welcome in a new year! 2008 has some great up's but it had some very down low's and I am ready to move on....
January 2008 ushered in E's 16th birthday, officially making me old.
February 2008 started my love affair with my new camera!
March 2008 brought a new family member to us! Mr. Man Tucker Van-Brat Bell
April 2008 spent taking pictures, enrolling in school, and getting estimates on the backyard overhaul.
May 2008 unveiled a possible neck diagnosis of sprained/ strained tendons due to stress..go figure!
June 2008 included a Bell family reunion in Waxahatchi, a Hall of Famer trip to Houston, and a new backyard fence.
July 2008 started with the annual 4th of July Party at L's and then the ever so stressful promotional test for supervisor. E's officially a ice cream scooper!
August 2008 begins with an attack of the bees and ends with a new school year for us along with a new school for E. oh and the book release party for Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Myer (i didnt finish the book til December)
September 2009 started with my Promotion as a supervisor and ended with the the destruction of Galveston from Hurricane Ike...
October 2009 changed the life of my bf forever.. He got saved! YES!!!!!
November 2009 found itself riddled with happiness and sadness. Mom and Dad had a wonderful, wonderful 40th wedding anniversary party. E spent Thanksgiving with her dad for the first time in 14 years and she got sick while there and Cana left this world.
December 2009 left me attending funerals, searching for the Christmas spirit and nursing my annual head could. One bright moment of the month was receiving my new zoom lens from my wonderful parents!!! They are awesome!
Here's to a NEW year! Welcome, 2009!